Do you realize that most humans on the planet still go most of the day, if not the entire day without acknowledging one single, conscious breath? Even with stress and anxiety at all time highs in our world, we somehow left this Master tool behind in much of society. We have been built with an autonomic nervous system that has the full capability of taking care of the respiratory needs of the body automatically and without thought. We have also been given the ability to breathe consciously. And as soon as I invite you to take a deep breath and you do so, you are no longer breathing on automatic. Notice, that you did not have to buy an attachment for your body for this to work. You are able to breathe consciously because it is built into the very design and architecture of your being. Not only do you have the ability to be aware of the breath by putting your awareness upon it, but you also have the ability to move the breath consciously with your will power. This power becomes most useful when you actually know what to do with it.
Why didn't we learn more about our breathing in school? Our education system is just beginning to take notice of one aspect of breath awareness by welcoming in Mindfulness teachings, but there is so much more for us to learn about our own breathing that can benefit us instantly, when we do. Having created a modality of Breathwork myself over many years (Life Force Mastery) I can say that it takes quite a lot of human experience and study around the applications of conscious breathing, that a person studying it must feel in their own being, before possessing any authority on teaching it.
When you take the time to connect with your breathing, you are actually taking the time to connect with the spirit aspect of your being. Breath and spirit are rooted in the same word in many of the world's languages. This knowledge can be a reminder once and for all as to how to empower and nurture your spirit. Accessing the spirit aspect of your being in this way creates an intimate relationship with conscious breathing. Your own breath flow becomes dear to you and you begin to enjoy the sounds of your breathing just as you did when it was your first teacher and you sat inside momma at three months and your ears became active. It may have been the very first thing you heard. Now let that be reason to stop and hear it often. The breath got here when you did and it's leaving when you do too. And the next time you go a whole day without one, sweet conscious breath, you'll know why I titled this blog the way I did.